Managing suppliers virtually with an Enterprise supplier quality solution is a requirement in today’s environment. A “new normal” is emerging where the ability for the customer and the supplier to meet face to face will be heavily curtailed. These challenging times have made virtual collaboration with suppliers highly imperative. Staying coordinated and aligned with the suppliers and ensuring suppliers are performing satisfactorily is critical for a successful business and this can be achieved virtually.
Read Omnex Systems’ latest Whitepaper written by our CTO, Mr. Chad Kymal and Antony John, VP, Omnex Systems to understand how Omnex’s comprehensive Supplier Quality Management Suite, powered by AI allows organizations to manage their suppliers effortlessly by utilizing a central repository of supplier information, including their metrics, PPAPs, APQPs, audits, receiving inspections, and SCARs. The benefit of this system is in the ability to implement Plan-Do-Check-ACT (PDCA) in supply chains with a closed-loop continual improvement process.
We are proud to announce that Omnex Systems LLC
is now a member of
Andersen Consulting.