O-BOTs can process all 18 PPAP documents submitted in excel format. O-BOTS, with their AI algorithms, will run more than 300+ business rules to validate the PPAP submissions. These rules will range from simple validations to check if the Recommended Action has a Responsibility or Target Date, to more complex NLP rules, like if the Failure is a derivative of the Product or Process Characteristics.
O-BOT rules also include validation and correlation between documents; for example, if any Critical Characteristics are identified in the Process Flows/FMEAs, they have controls in the Control Plan. O-BOTs will then provide a precise report on the overall quality of the PPAP submission to the PPAP reviewer. PPAP reviewers could also train the O-BOT to accommodate internal rules and exclusions.
We are proud to announce that Omnex Systems LLC
is now a member of
Andersen Consulting.